Acupuncture & Myofascial Trigger Point (MFTP) Therapy
Acupuncture can be part of a multimodal approach to managing various conditions. Acupuncture can cause physiological change by stimulating nervous, immune and vascular responses.
My use of the modality mainly focuses on addressing pain and improving mobility and quality of life. These adjunct therapies can be used for post-surgical care, arthritis, injury, muscular dysfunction and many other acute and chronic causes of discomfort. It can address side effects of drugs and chemotherapy. Myofascial trigger point therapy uses manual or needling technique to address muscle dysfunction that result from injury or chronic disease. Depending on patient need, I can use needles, aquapuncture, acupressure, and electroacupuncture.
Acupuncture can be part of a multimodal approach to managing various conditions. Acupuncture can cause physiological change by stimulating nervous, immune and vascular responses.
My use of the modality mainly focuses on addressing pain and improving mobility and quality of life. These adjunct therapies can be used for post-surgical care, arthritis, injury, muscular dysfunction and many other acute and chronic causes of discomfort. It can address side effects of drugs and chemotherapy. Myofascial trigger point therapy uses manual or needling technique to address muscle dysfunction that result from injury or chronic disease. Depending on patient need, I can use needles, aquapuncture, acupressure, and electroacupuncture.